Monday, 11 January 2016

Milk is because milk flows

The milky moustache’s crawling towards their mothers, and then away from their arms; keeping the safety net of warmth and dependancy soaked in lactose.
The primary source of nutrition and life line for the infant mammals. 
The antibodies march like soldiers providing protection to the toothless that are growing the roots to become shoots, and then for the shoots to leave.

Continue to consume beyond infancy, using others to settle stomachs of worry and stress, a heavy load lightened by the white water. The elders did not posses the skill of digesting the silky solution, but yet they ignored the calling and continued to swallow. Abnormal. Intolerance. Instead, they call it lactase persistent; this subset of humanity to stay milk drinkers into adulthood.

The roots start to grow back to nostalgia to refuge in that sentiment. They drink the milk to gain the childlike memory and state of comfort reverting back to their youth and reconnect with mothers.
 to induce warm sleep and serenity, to become full in an empty room.

Film / Photography 

Styling / Production - Chloe Hughes

Music Sampled - Miasma (Baths) 

Model - Hebe Iris Blackett

Assisting - Sarah Elizabeth Curran


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