Sunday, 8 November 2015

The weight of appearance : Dysmorphic Skin

This body of work aims to depict a 'dysmorphic skin', a flag post to Body Dysmorphia 'BBD', and the general essence of negative body image.

" 'BDD' is a distinct mental disorder in which a person has symptoms of a medical illness, but the symptoms cannot be fully explained by an actual physical disorder. People with BDD are preoccupied with an imagined physical defect or a minor defect that others often cannot see."
Where body image is seen as, the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception. These feelings can be positive, negative or both and are influenced by individual and environmental factors.
Essentially what you believe about your own appearance, how you feel about your body; and how you sense and control your body as you move.

"No bubbles pills or placebos,
could fix a condition of my kind
when all the symptoms and problems 
are rooted in the mind."

-Chemical imbalance. 2015

"This saliva soaked quilt suffocates limbs, 
clings to bodies and suffocates. 
Raised skin and repetition. I focus upon.

I focus to hard on blinking, I stop. My eyes raw.
I focus to hard on breathing. I stop. Inhale with great force.
I focus to much on my frame. I stop. Gone are hidden mirrors.

I pause, and close cupboards. 
The flesh is numb, rolled up like blankets.
Cold sweats and pins and needles.
I focus to much on absorbing."

- Shade 43 warm beige. 2015

The surfaces are created using : Paint,latex, bleach, foundation, silicone, human hair, cosmetic products, and other skin like substances to represent and visualise a 'dysmorphic flesh'
Both the sculptures and relief canvas's aim to highlight the issue that not only do some people feel unhappy with their image, for some it consumes everything they do. 

Negative body images and pressures of appearance are heightening within young people.
The concept that people feel that they are not good enough or attractive enough is harmful and unhealthy. You should be accepted for who you are but more so you should accept yourself for who you are. cringe but true.
You will never gain any gratitude from others compliments, until you filter them into yourself.


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