Happy Halloween!
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Friday, 30 October 2015
The power of the girlband
“Girls should be building each other up and we should all be on the same team.”
Female relationships are to me, what keeps me sane. Without my girlfriends who would I talk to? They’re there for me when I’m in need, whether that be a serious conversation about what I’m doing with my life or a shot of tequila and a dance, there’s no one better, and no one more like minded, than a girl to brighten your life.
When I hear girls
say that they ‘prefer’ boys as friends, it is in all honesty a hard concept
for me to get my head around. Don’t get me wrong, my guy friends are stars in
my sky, and there are times when all I need is a good chat about those very
girlfriends I am raving about. But, it’s increasingly difficult for me to
understand the concept of ‘dicks over chicks’ in this ever changing and
evolving time in my life. Not to be cheesy, or stereotypical, but lets be
honest here, while steady friendships live on, relationships can crash and fall,
and who better to mend your broken heart than your best friends?
In a study at UCLA
in simple psychology, it was found that female friendships help girls to deal
better with stress. This is apparently because when women experience stress, a
hormone called oxytocin is released.
“If hormones could win popularity contests, oxytocin might
well be queen of the day.”
Oxytocin has a
number of ridiculously cute nicknames, such as the ‘love’ hormone, ‘hug’
hormone, the cuddle chemical, moral molecule, and the bliss hormone, (which
really speak for themselves) so.. this study concluded that girls with lots of
female friendships were able to deal with stress more easily, which is just the
ideal, is it not? There is also research to show that women react differently
to stress than men do, stating that as men release
smaller amounts of oxytocin, they tend to get away from stressful situations by suppressing, and bottling up their emotions, while women ‘tend and befriend’. Women will consequently then relate to each other better in stressful times, because they
are more likely to ‘talk out’ their feelings, an action that is rewarding for
both/all women involved.
We’ve all asked ourselves the question of whether we really do ‘sync’ up with our closest girlfriends, or if its simply just coincidence and wishful thinking. But in terms of our 'like mindedness', our similarities do not stop with our reactions to stress. Periods and reproduction connect us girls in a way that we could never connect to our boys, this isn't a negative thing, it is in fact an incredibly magical thing to tie us together, one that we should all hold as one of our most important blessings. Connecting us not only to our girlfriends, but to our mothers.
We have all I am sure experienced how girls can be, mean, bitchy and just down right unkind within group situations, but we've got to make this stop. Girls should be building each other up and we should all be on the same team, so be good to your girls. We are unbeatable when we are together, the POWER OF THE GIRLBAND is real.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Too Skint for Smoothies
When living on a budget there are several things you have to sacrifice : Your morning Starbucks, weekly ASOS packages and alas the Pret lunches; but one thing I am unwilling to surrender is a basic healthy diet.
Walking like whoppers round London we are surrounded by a mass amount of ‘health, natural and fresh food joints’ : Leon, Pod, Itsu, whole foods, Holland and Barrett blah blah blah, convenient yes but costly indeed.
This fruity fashion of spruced up juices and curly kale, might be one of the reasons why there is a massive boost in the cost of health foods. Whilst there are those gaga for goji willing to pay the £15 price tag for a 30g sachet, the rest of us can only wonder the benefits of those shrivelled little seeds.
Whilst Instagram has gone mental over avocado, and YouTube on recipes 'to get the glow', this life is not within reach when your lunch allowance is £2... just try whacking your Maccies meal in a Nutribullet, it's not exactly Joe and the Juice.
Trends such as raw, gluten, wheat, sugar, dairy, and fat free foods pull in a hefty fee. Other than that the general cost for fruit and veg is higher than doughnuts and our favourite 25p custard cremes, in fact :
Healthy foods now costs three times as much as junk, studies show that 1,000 calories of healthy items cost an average of £8.49
whilst the same calorie intake from less healthy items could be purchased for an average of£2.50
I mean I'm keen for quinoa but I simply don't have the wealth for health.
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
The minority of the mainstream
‘’Does the need to be different push us past the point of ridiculous? To be unique do you have to be basically crazy?’’
Presently there is a frantic obligation to be ‘one of a kind’. Sending us to extremes to differentiate ourselves from one another. It can be argued that there are two categories of individuals in this movement:
1- ‘Innovators’: The people who go the distance to be different. Representing that need to be exclusive.
2- ‘Counterfeits’: Those who monitor the actions of the innovator. They are ‘the carbon copy company’.
There seems to be a window of time for uniqueness. A fleeting lifespan. A creative identity displayed for only seconds, before the good old ‘copy and paste’ has been put into action and a whole army of fifteen year olds are rocking checkered shirts and Nike Airmax.
‘’Is this the cruel death of intellectual individuality? Or is it- as the old quote states- ‘The highest from of flattery’?’’
Nevertheless it can be argued that we give our present day innovators too much credit. It seems that we are constantly looking backward. Fashion movements appear to be more about tweaking trends of the past, than totally establishing new ones. The revitalization of these bygone vogues –such as the chocker or the scrunchie- can be argued not to be innovative at all.
‘’Is there originality in repetition?’’
Is the reason for looking into the past, because we can’t create significant, new ideas that meet the demand of the global consumer market? Have we become so irrespective of uniqueness, we deny people the time to tap into untouched creative territories? Has the appreciation of innovation vanished? In short, have we lost control?
The ‘indie/hipster’ movement, originally intending to reject the ‘mainstream’ and explore individuality, is a great example of this copycat culture. Once a minority, this crusade against the conventional, has become a widespread craze, making it conventional. Now completely overlooking the essential essence of what it stood for.
What is meant to be original is no longer, producing
‘the minority of the mainstream’
I’m not saying we can’t have inspirations or learn from others, we would never move forward if we didn’t, however we are all unique. What we wear shouldn’t be up to anyone else to decide. Take ideas and make them yours, stick your own sparkle on it. We have the ability to represent ourselves in whichever way we want, without explanation. Hang onto this.
Embrace who you are bitches, it’s the one thing in life you can do perfectly.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
" I don’t want to seem boring”
Too many over priced old fashion’s, or a cheeky double vodka red bull, whipping and hotline blinging on the floor. Getting off with one of those wannabe Made in Chelsea or Towie boys. A classic British night out no?
Evidently more times than not in the UK, casual hook ups after a ‘crazy’ night out, end in an embarrassing walk of shame; the need for a 3 hour shower, and the numbing stomach swelling feeling of ‘why’. We’re analysing exactly why we say yes to things, especially in the context of the big S.E.X.
Most girls I've conversed with have been in the position where sex appears as more of a task than a treat.
Apart from the obvious stance of ‘Daddy issues’ young women are stating that partners “wont like me unless I have sex with them, they’d go get it somewhere else if I didn’t” and “don’t want to seem boring” This inclination of mating being a ‘deed that must be done’ ‘an act to impress’ is an outdated way of thinking; women are no longer waiting around to greet hubby at the door with a spam soufflé and a smile, we have our own minds and the decisions are ours.
Furthermore this concern is raised when you’ve made it to GF BF status; “its what I'm supposed to do,” “i feel like i have to we’re in a relationship”, “If i don't want to do it all the time, does that mean we’re out the honeymoon period?” all together no, everyone gets tired, exhausted or just 'not in the mood'. chill.
Whether it be stroking their ego or using sex as a tool for affection
its ok to say no.
Of corse sex is great and fun, everyone does it! But if you ever feel like you don't want to, you don't have to. Ultimately its your choice, if your partner does not respect this get rid of them, because someone else will. LOVE URSELF RESPECT UR BODY
Monday, 26 October 2015
Space Invaders
When moving to university we were all greeted by a blank canvas. A new room, a new space to inhabit. How we chose to paint our canvas was up to us; and how we handled our brush stokes and chose our colours can say a lot about the personality of the painter.
The art of making a room unique is not just a job for a swanked up interior designer, everyone knowingly or not personalise's and projects a vision of themselves. The accumulation of items in your nest, from posters, pictures and pint glasses to a minimalistic ground gives a space an identity.
An uncomfortable awkwardness awoke when invading another's space; the evidence of itches, the itch to clean the itch to organise, the itch to impress; is a portrayal to the everyday when we are fixated on rebranding ourselves to suit the ideals of others, or producing a juiced up version who we are.
Only in your space, on your own, are you your true self. 3 day old cereal bowls, hair coated bobbles, used cotton buds and the odd rotting towel; all that grossness, is your grossness and nobody else will judge you there. Though to feel free and excepted, to hold your true identity should go beyond the 4 damped walls of your London rented accommodation.
To be granted access to these sacred spaces is a privilege. No comment is needed on the details of these territories, the materials collate together to form a picture of personality, enjoy having a nose.
Name : Beth
Bedroom Name : Crystal Beth
Room type : Luxe
Sleep Position : Like an Embryo
Room Aesthetic : Illustration dweeb
Best hiding place : In my bag with all my dildos
Favourite thing : Record Player
Name : Imogen Davies
Bedroom Name : Big tits 10
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : Sleeping Beauty
Room Aesthetic : Monochrome
Best hiding place : Under the sink
Favourite thing : Olaf
Name : Cara Edden
Bedroom Name : Loopie-Loo
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : Tits down arse up
Room Aesthetic : Homely Chaos
Best hiding place : In my advent calendar, like instead of the chocolate
Favourite thing : My sewing machine or a packet of flying saucers
Name : Hope Barraclough
Bedroom Name : Parker Melly Libra / Hoe
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : Right side, pillow between my legs and a sleep sandwich 'duvet me and then another duvet'
Room Aesthetic : The theme of me
Best hiding place : The box where I keep my tampons
Favourite thing : Picture of me and my family in my grandmas frame
Name : Chlöe Hughes
Bedroom Name : Chlö-job
Room type : Budget
Sleep Position : Flat down, like i'm dead
Room Aesthetic : Fluffy
Best hiding place : Bottom Draw or in a shoe
Favourite thing : My succulent
Bedroom Name : Honey Heart-Leo
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : Foetal Position
Room Aesthetic : Minimal
Best hiding place : Top draw
Favourite thing : Books, The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Name : Izzie Lombardo
Bedroom Name : Reid Popcorn
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : The big spoon
Room Aesthetic : Hippie chic
Best hiding place : Inside the light
Favourite thing : Reeces Pieces
Name : Chris Bond
Bedroom Name : Paddy Mitchell
Room type : Budget
Sleep Position : Curl up on the side
Room Aesthetic : Calm
Best hiding place : In-between folded clothes
Favourite thing : Lamb called Keats
Name : Oksana Peretyatko
Bedroom Name : My name is already a porn star name
Room type : Luxe
Sleep Position : On my belly
Room Aesthetic : Indian, pink and blue
Best hiding place : I have a magic box, I have a small one and a big one
Favourite thing : The carpet on my wall
Name : Lauren Fashokun
Bedroom Name : Ocean Beard
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : On my face hugging my pillow because i'm lonely
Room Aesthetic : Clutter
Best hiding place : In a box with tampons and stuff
Favourite thing : My duvet its cute
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Morphing gender and sexuality
Photography Installation -
Niamh Caulfield-Lynch
This piece vocalises connections between gender and sexuality. Looking at the over-sexualisation of women in photography and media, and how this contrasts with the way males and females are portrayed.
“I tried to photograph both subjects in exactly the same way; Overtly sexual (in context as well as lighting/positioning) but not over-sexualised or objectified.”
The artist then explores defacing the photographs, connecting them with plastic, bubble wrap and hot glue; this manipulation of the prints minimises the sexual context of the photographs, as the bodies appear to morph together. The viewer begins to make connections and distinguish between the bodies which detracts from the main sexual substance.
The materials used begin to display connections between the two figures, but in polarity it appears to show a sexual flavour.
With gender fluidity and the morphing of the genders becoming much more apparent; why is it that photographic representations still appear to draw a line of division.
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Irritations form beauty
Pearls are found inside living creatures; Pearls are formed due oyster's protecting themselves’s from foreign substances. The oyster's natural reaction is to cover up an irritant to protect itself. The mantle covers the irritant with layers of the same nacre substance that is used to create its shell, this eventually forms a pearl.
This concept could be interpreted metaphorically to how imperfections or ‘irritants' can be ground down or worked into to form something of beautiful.
Whether it be dancing with the black dog, body issues or simply feeling bleh; positivity and creativity can come out of your slump.
A quote inspired me by photographer Laura Hospes
"Whenever I feel depressed or get the urge to express myself, I have to take a photograph. For me it's like when you cry if you're sad or shout when you're angry,”
A time for reflection, where everything can seem bleak and endless; that you are all alone can be used as a sparking point to communicate your ideas, think about your thoughts.
Upon a Sunday remains you’ll realise that hundreds and thousands of people are in the same boat as you; but in fact they’re not. It’s your boat. Your experience. Your mind and thats whats magic about the whole thing. Everyone is an individual and have their own story to tell.
in my case irritabilities in my life issues and tissues have been a huge influence to my art work and have also helped me connect with people on a much deeper level.
Thoughts, emotions, and moments of eruption, analyse these moments as something of beauty. Pearls everywhere baby.
The Vessel's - Chloe Hughes
Metabolic rate.
Fashion design inspired by the metabolism
Design, Style, Photography - Chloe Hughes
Models - Imogen Davies
- Lena Stewen
The functionality of fashion.
“Your gaze hits the side of my coat”
A coat made for a woman by a woman. This garments aim is to conceal and protect ‘her’ from the weather along with a male gaze. The scale of the coat covers areas deemed to be over sexualised such as a woman's breasts. inspired by Barbara Kruger this garment explains how a woman will be protected from the male gaze when wearing it.
Females were asked to wear the garment and describe their experience. One woman said
"although the coat attracted attention due to the sheer scale, it didn't attract any degrading attention from men. I felt comfortable as it covered my breasts and legs which I believe to be sexualised area of my body."
Woman are not alive to be viewed as sexual vessels; They should not feel they cannot liberate and show their bodies without gaining the notion that they will be persecuted by others. The hyperbole presented by this design highlights the issue that some females still feel subverted by being seen as a object rather than a human.
Design - Marina Patalano
Photography - Oksana Peretyatko
Sleep State
Sleep State is a series of Imagery and poetry, dedicated to the lucid state of sleeping in which you can forget troubles and issues that arise in consciousness.
Writer - Chloe Hughes
Photographer - Chloe Hughes
Model - Lydia Roxburgh
Publisher - Blurb
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