When living on a budget there are several things you have to sacrifice : Your morning Starbucks, weekly ASOS packages and alas the Pret lunches; but one thing I am unwilling to surrender is a basic healthy diet.
Walking like whoppers round London we are surrounded by a mass amount of ‘health, natural and fresh food joints’ : Leon, Pod, Itsu, whole foods, Holland and Barrett blah blah blah, convenient yes but costly indeed.
This fruity fashion of spruced up juices and curly kale, might be one of the reasons why there is a massive boost in the cost of health foods. Whilst there are those gaga for goji willing to pay the £15 price tag for a 30g sachet, the rest of us can only wonder the benefits of those shrivelled little seeds.
Whilst Instagram has gone mental over avocado, and YouTube on recipes 'to get the glow', this life is not within reach when your lunch allowance is £2... just try whacking your Maccies meal in a Nutribullet, it's not exactly Joe and the Juice.
Trends such as raw, gluten, wheat, sugar, dairy, and fat free foods pull in a hefty fee. Other than that the general cost for fruit and veg is higher than doughnuts and our favourite 25p custard cremes, in fact :
Healthy foods now costs three times as much as junk, studies show that 1,000 calories of healthy items cost an average of £8.49
whilst the same calorie intake from less healthy items could be purchased for an average of£2.50
I mean I'm keen for quinoa but I simply don't have the wealth for health.
You can buy some cheap ones from sainsburys: 2 for £3!! And fruits and veggies which are the simplest cleanest foods we should be eating are reduced sometimes and if you buy in bulk... (not that I've tried it seems like outside the UK etc..) but yeah I'm pretty skint but still focus on staples like rice pasta which are high carb and give you great energy :)