Monday 26 October 2015

Space Invaders

When moving to university we were all greeted by a blank canvas. A new room, a new space to inhabit. How we chose to paint our canvas was up to us; and how we handled our brush stokes and chose our colours can say a lot about the personality of the painter.
The art of making a room unique is not just a job for a swanked up interior designer, everyone knowingly or not personalise's and projects a vision of themselves. The accumulation of items in your nest, from posters, pictures and pint glasses to a minimalistic ground gives a space an identity.
An uncomfortable awkwardness awoke when invading another's space; the evidence of itches, the itch to clean the itch to organise, the itch to impress; is a portrayal to the everyday when we are fixated on rebranding ourselves to suit the ideals of others, or producing a juiced up version who we are.
Only in your space, on your own, are you your true self. 3 day old cereal bowls, hair coated bobbles, used cotton buds and the odd rotting towel; all that grossness, is your grossness and nobody else will judge you there. Though to feel free and excepted, to hold your true identity should go beyond the 4 damped walls of your London rented accommodation. 
To be granted access to these sacred spaces is a privilege. No comment is needed on the details of these territories, the materials collate together to form a picture of personality, enjoy having a nose.

Name : Beth
Bedroom Name : Crystal Beth
Room type : Luxe
Sleep Position : Like an Embryo
Room Aesthetic : Illustration dweeb
Best hiding place : In my bag with all my dildos
Favourite thing : Record Player

Name : Imogen Davies
Bedroom Name : Big tits 10
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : Sleeping Beauty
Room Aesthetic : Monochrome
Best hiding place : Under the sink 
Favourite thing : Olaf

Name : Cara Edden
Bedroom Name : Loopie-Loo
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : Tits down arse up
Room Aesthetic : Homely Chaos
Best hiding place : In my advent calendar, like instead of the chocolate
Favourite thing : My sewing machine or a packet of flying saucers

Name : Hope Barraclough
Bedroom Name : Parker Melly Libra / Hoe
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : Right side, pillow between my legs and a sleep sandwich 'duvet me and then another duvet'
Room Aesthetic : The theme of me
Best hiding place : The box where I keep my tampons 
Favourite thing : Picture of me and my family in my grandmas frame

Name : Chlöe Hughes
Bedroom Name : Chlö-job
Room type : Budget
Sleep Position : Flat down, like i'm dead
Room Aesthetic : Fluffy 
Best hiding place : Bottom Draw or in a shoe
Favourite thing : My succulent

Name : Tom Bradley
Bedroom Name : Honey Heart-Leo
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : Foetal Position
Room Aesthetic : Minimal 
Best hiding place : Top draw
Favourite thing : Books, The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Name : Izzie Lombardo
Bedroom Name : Reid Popcorn
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : The big spoon
Room Aesthetic : Hippie chic
Best hiding place : Inside the light
Favourite thing : Reeces Pieces

Name : Chris Bond
Bedroom Name : Paddy Mitchell
Room type : Budget
Sleep Position : Curl up on the side
Room Aesthetic : Calm
Best hiding place : In-between folded clothes
Favourite thing : Lamb called Keats

 Name : Oksana Peretyatko
Bedroom Name : My name is already a porn star name
Room type : Luxe
Sleep Position : On my belly
Room Aesthetic : Indian, pink and blue 
Best hiding place : I have a magic box, I have a small one and a big one
Favourite thing : The carpet on my wall

 Name : Lauren Fashokun
Bedroom Name : Ocean Beard
Room type : Standard
Sleep Position : On my face hugging my pillow because i'm lonely
Room Aesthetic : Clutter
Best hiding place : In a box with tampons and stuff
Favourite thing : My duvet its cute


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